Ilayathalapathy Vijay was the first actor from Kollywood to reach Poes Garden residence of ADMK chief Jayalalithaa to congratulate her for her party's massive victory in the assembly elections. Just after meeting the AIADMK supremo J. Jayalalithaa, Vijay spoke exclusively to media
Yes, I am indeed extremely happy that Amma has won the elections and that too, a landslide victory. I knew right from the beginning that she is going to win but never expected such a big win.
Oru Maatram Thevapettathu ( A change was indispensable) and people of Tamil Nadu have given the right verdict. I am happy that it was just not me, but an entire state that stood together and voted Amma back to power. I profoundly thank my Makka Iyakkam and fans who worked day and night for ADMK just because I asked them to. They have worked hard and made this happen. Right now, I am not prepared for it and its time to rejoice. I wish Amma all the best