Leading South Indian actress Ileana, who is currently busy with Vijay's Tamil film Nanban and Ranbir Kapoor's Bollywood film Barfee, has reportedly hiked her remuneration to Rs. 1.25 crores per film.
If this is true, Ileana would be the highest paid actress in the South presently, overtaking her rivals Anushka, Genelia and Tamannaah who are paid somewhere between Rs. 1 crore and Rs. 80 lakhs.
2011 Tamil and Telugu Actress Salary List:-
Ileana - 1.25crores
Anushka - 1 crore
Genelia - 1 crore
Asin - 1 crore
Tamannah- 70 lakhs
Tapsee - 40 lakhs
Hanishka- 30 lakhs