Deiva Thirumagal that is directed by AL Vijay has Chiyaan Vikram, Anushka Shetty and Amala Paul essaying lead roles, whereas, the music is tuned in by GV Prakash Kumar. This film that showcases Chiyaan Vikram as a mentally challenged with the mental ability of a five year old, is touted to be loosely based on 'I Am Sam.'
The movie met with the censor board today who gave them a clean 'U' with not a single cut!
It seems, the censor board officials were full of appreciation for the film and mentioned that it is one of the finest films that Director Vijay and Chiyaan Vikram have put together. The movie is said to be an emotional tug of war between Vikram and his wife and child who do not accept his state, whereas, Anushka Shetty will be seen as a lawyer who fights for some justice to our protagonist.
'Deiva Thirumagal' will hit the screens on July15 and this 'U' certificate with not a single cut shows us already of what a family entertainer it will prove to be us.