A Chennai court has issued bailable warrants against Ramya Krishnan and her sister Vinaya Krishnan, acting on a complaint filed by Kutti Padmini, who alleged that the sisters violated an agreement with her.
According to Kutti Padmini, she entered into an agreement with Ramya Krishnan to make a mega serial titled 'Kalasam'. "As per the arrangement, I am the creative director of the serial and they would pay me the salary. But they have violated the terms," she said.
It is said that when the issue cropped up earlier, it was solved by the Society for Television Production of South India office bearers, following which a fresh agreement was signed between the two.
However, Kutti Padmini has now approached the court, as the serial is now being reportedly aired in Telugu without giving credit to her. Meanwhile, the counsel for Ramya Krishnan and Vinaya Krishnan has filed a petition to recall the bailable warrant.